I don’t know if you still remember my post concerning the schedule of pH7CMS 5.0.

The speed of the development went way faster than expected and pH7CMS 5.0 will already be available in the next few days!

However, we are currently hard-working on pH7CMS 6.0 (should be a real monster for your business!) will be available at the end of spring 2017.

pH7CMS 5.0 got a lot of code refactoring and has a few features that will help pH7CMS 6.0 to give a lot of new exciting social/dating features and boost the best your dating service.

I’m pretty proud of pH7CMS 5.0 and very exciting to get back to you concerning pH7CMS 6.0 (you will see, you won’t be disappointed!).

Finally don’t forget to nominate “pH7CMS” to the final iDate Awards nominations. IT REALLY HELPS US TO BE MOTIVATED AND TO GIVE YOU THE BEST DATING BUILDER SOFTWARE โค๏ธ?

Stay tuned and be with us!

Have a lovely day ?


P.S. Download pH7 Social Dating CMS, Here ๐Ÿ˜‰