Disabled by default for already a few months, the “connect” module isn’t working properly for a few months since Facebook and Google changed their APIs and the code isn’t working with the new API versions anymore.
It will take like a day to fix it and not many people use the Universal Authentication (connect module) and after sending a survey email it appears that not so many folks need that feature so I don’t plan to update it right now (and Facebook, Google and Twitter might again update their API soon and will break again the module). Instead, I prefer for the moment to spend my time on things that pH7CMS really needs and that can really help users to create the BEST social dating service (after all, social authentication won’t change a lot).
So please keep the “connect” module disabled for the moment (Admin Panel -> Mods -> Enable/Disable Modules).
Thanks for your understanding 🙂
P.S. And if you are a PHP developer, you can still fork the GitHub repo, and contribute to the project! 🙂
Hope this helps! 😉
P.S. Download pH7 Social Dating CMS, Here 😉